Five Dog Skin Allergy Causes Every Pet Parent Should Know

Individuals who experience allergies show symptoms like sniffling, stuffy nose, and frequent sneezing. But unlike people’s allergies, dogs don’t often encounter the same signs they do. When a pet experiences allergies, their skin becomes itchy and swollen because of the surrounding irritants.

Dog skin problems are common, and major challenges pet parents typically seek help for. However, canine skin problems can be mild or severe apart from being uncommon or frequent. Now, let’s talk about the typical causes of skin allergies in canines.

What Causes Skin Allergies in Canines?

Canine skin allergies can cause constant chewing, fidgeting, scratching, and licking. If not provided with the appropriate care, it might cause hair loss or severe injuries that may become infected. We have collected five factors that can cause skin problems in your furry companions.

1. Adverse food reactions

Like other pet types, canines are also susceptible to food allergies. This problem is triggered when their immune system mistakes proteins for allergens. Canines with thick skin on the ears and face could signify food allergy. Dogs diagnosed with food allergy indicate symptoms like constant itching on ears, forelegs, and face, vomiting, and diarrhea, specifically after consuming protein-rich foods. The decline in their skin quality may also result in hair loss.

2. Fleas

Fleas are the frequent cause of skin infections in canines. They can thrive in environments where your pet plays and even in harsh conditions, making flea infections more serious. Consistent skin itching, skin sores, hair loss, and restless behavior are the significant symptoms of flea infections in dogs.

Dealing with flea infections involves treating their surroundings like their play area, bed, and home indoors. Wanna keep your pet away from flea and parasite attacks? Getting a cat wellness plan is a good idea as it covers parasite prevention treatments to keep them secured.

3. Ringworms

Ringworms are infectious fungal infections. If you see circular spots on your dog’s skin that appear a little sore, it’s often triggered by ringworms. If not treated right away, this circular patch can gradually become a bald patch. Furthermore, there have been several reports of canine ringworm infections spreading to other animals and humans.

No matter the seriousness and contagious factor of a dog ringworm skin infection, your furry friend must be quickly treated when diagnosed with the stated condition. The sooner you take your pet to a friendly animal clinic that specializes in dermatology, the quicker the problem will be solved.

4. Yeast infection

Pets with droopy ears frequently experience yeast infections. The toes, ears, and anus of your pet are the most vulnerable areas infected by yeast. It can cause itchy skin that might result in hair loss. A canine may be prone to yeast infection during the summer season, where humid conditions are present.

Treating pets with yeast infections needs patience. Veterinarians frequently prescribe medicated shampoos or balms to alleviate the condition. Looking for animal professionals to inquire about your pet’s condition? You may visit a vet clinic or contact them directly on their website.

5. Environmental allergens

Environmental factors like air-borne irritants, mildew, mold, pollen, and dust can make your dog itchy and uneasy, resulting in hair loss and painful lesions. Furthermore, canines can also develop sensitivities and allergies to perfumes, scented sprays, lotions, and cigarette smoke.
