Common Causes of Hearing Loss in Your Pet Dog

Dogs can become deaf due to injury to the ear structures that govern sound conduction. This loss of hearing can be caused by ear infections, some antibiotics, and damage to these tissues.

Since most animals rely on their other senses to thrive, most dogs with hearing loss will not exhibit immediate signs of deterioration. A pet parent entering the house or shouting out their pet’s name may be the first sign of hearing loss if the animal fails to respond to noises that ordinarily alert them to the sound source. 

Even if it’s merely due to old age, you should take your dog to the doctor if you fear they’re going deaf. In severe infections, the ears can become highly reddish and swollen. If antibiotic poisoning or trauma is the cause of hearing loss, symptoms may be more modest.

Causes of Hearing Loss in Dogs

People are frequently concerned when they learn that their pets suffer hearing loss. However, in most cases, the reason is either curable or simply a normal part of aging, and the dog is not harmed or killed. Hearing loss and deafness in dogs are discussed in this article, and therapies to attempt with your veterinarian’s help.

1. Normal Aging

Sensorineural hearing loss is used to describe this hearing loss. It is typically permanent and is caused by missing or damaged sensory cells (hair cells) in the cochlea of the inner ear. Damage to the auditory nerve causes neural hearing loss, which is usually permanent.

It’s critical to rule out other reasons for hearing loss before designating “old age” as the cause of hearing loss. These additional problems are typically manageable if caught early and handled correctly. A vet like the East Bay Veterinary Clinic will have additional information on their website.

2. Ear Infection in Both Ears

Typically, a physical examination reveals significant dirt in the vertical ear canal. This dirt is inspected under a microscope. Yeasts or bacteria are most commonly encountered; however, ear mites are infrequently seen.

Once the accurate diagnosis has been determined, the appropriate treatment to cure the illness may be chosen. Deafness is typically transient and resolves with therapy if the infection has caused hearing loss. Extensive ear infections in dogs may need many treatments, which usually entail flushing the ear dirt and administering the proper medicine.

3. Hypothyroidism or Low Thyroid Disease

Because thyroid hormones influence many bodily systems, hearing loss is an unusual symptom of hypothyroidism. However, it’s crucial to rule out the possibility of thyroid disease in a dog with hearing loss. Every dog with hearing loss should have blood testing, including a complete blood count, organ profile, and thyroid tests. A veterinary diagnostic lab will offer lab testing services.

4. Cognitive Disorder

Hearing loss can arise as a result of a mental illness. Many of the senior dogs were also hypothyroid and had hearing loss. Thyroid supplements had a limited effect on them.

Phosphatidylcholine, antioxidants, fatty acids, Ginkgo Biloba, and other nutrients help dogs with cognitive disorders recover to normal function. A natural cure is improbable, as dogs with mental problems typically regress and appear senile if medication is discontinued.

5. Organic Brain Diseases

Other clinical symptoms of organic brain illness in dogs, aside from hearing loss, include seizures, depression, and alterations in cranial nerve function. Advanced imaging is required for these canines to diagnose and treat the underlying disease effectively. These causes of hearing loss are significant and costly to identify and treat, although they are luckily uncommon. Visit a veterinary website to learn more.
