Finding a vet who will treat an unusual pet can be difficult for individuals who wish to keep an exotic pet. They can also locate fantastic local vets who specialize in exotic pets. Some folks in remote places may struggle to find unusual vets for their pets.
Questions to Ask an Exotic Pet Vet
Finding a vet who treats exotic animals is best done through word of mouth. Exotic pet owners may know and recommend someone. Consider these five points:
1. Does this vet treat birds, snakes, ferrets, rabbits, or other animals?
Though not always ideal, the process does lead to improvements. The more a veterinarian sees of a species, the more chance they can diagnose and treat it. Most doctors are unfamiliar with exotic animal species. Therefore, they must conduct their research to learn how to care for them. These are the vets you want to see because they specialize in exotic pets. Check out websites like if you have an avian pet.
2. Can exotic animals be treated in vet hospitals?
Exotic animals are frequently seen in city internist for dogs and cat hospitals. Many pet and cat hospitals will treat sick exotic pets when no other institution would. It is possible to determine if a veterinary hospital can treat exotic animals. A gram scale, for example, may be used to weigh tiny exotic organisms, while a tank could protect a reptile. They probably don’t see many exotic patients because they don’t have the equipment to assess and cure reptiles.
3. How many exotic patients have your veterinary technicians treated?
Taking care of exotic pets takes years of practice. Most exotic animals suffer from confinement stress. To maintain exotic animals safe, veterinarians need strong technical staff. Examine how veterinarians restrain and manage exotic animals to determine their frequency. Licensed restraint technicians familiar with exotic pets and veterinarians should handle your pet. They’re not familiar with your pet if they stumble around trying to grab it.
4. Do the vets belong to any exotic animal associations?
Most exotic clinics join the Association of Avian Veterinarians, Exotic Mammal Veterinarians, or Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians. They offer ongoing training. Most people interested in exotic animal health belong to one or more of these groups. These organizations display their emblems in clinic windows or on client mailings. Each group has a webpage with a map of current members. A veterinarian who belongs to one of these groups loves exotic pets. At this vet clinic, you’ll be sure that your pet will be safe and comfortable.
5. Do veterinary hospitals treat exotic animals in an emergency?
Many exotic pet owners are oblivious until an emergency occurs. Some vet clinics have on-call vets and technicians that stay overnight to handle serious cases, but not all do. Patients can stay overnight and receive emergency treatment at local 24/7 emergency clinics.
While most emergency clinics in the area accept dogs and cats, they may not manage exotic pet emergencies. Ask about emergency treatments if you’re looking for a veterinary hospital to care for your exotic pet. Without support, they’ll probably only cure a few exotics. Like your cat or dog doctor, your exotic pet veterinarian needs an after-hours plan. They should be able to converse with the vet. Ask questions. It might work.